Synthesizing in a sentimental & storytelling way any kind of information. Meet Stephanie Stamatis' beautiful mind.

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I got captured by the nostalgic feeling of Stephanie's images. The synthesis that Stephanie Stamatis handles between colors, textures and objects is unique. I love the minds that combine in such masterful way any kind of "information" and that's why i wanted to meet her and get into Stephanie's thoughts.

Stephanie Stamatis is an Art Director and Set Designer exploring the intersection of food and still life photography, Stephanie's search for beauty has led her to a more personal form of storytelling through photography.

Based in Melbourne, Australia, Stephanie is available for work worldwide.

1. Evi Alexaki asks: Your work/images emit a nostalgic, romantic and dreamy renaissance feeling. Do you meet those characteristics at your everyday attitude? 

Stephanie Stamatis answers: Thank you! It makes me happy that you feel something when looking at my work. I am a deeply sentimental person. I surround myself as much as possible with beauty and nostalgia; for me that is romance. At home, I gravitate to pieces that are vintage or have a human touch. I like to imagine someone loving it in a past life. Translating the feeling that someone has just walked out of frame in my pictures is something I strive for.

2. Evi Alexaki asks: Could you remember what are those deep feelings that connect you with your childhood and that at the same time emit your uniqueness? 

Stephanie Stamatis answers: I see my childhood. When my mind wanders I am in my grandmother's kitchen opening laminex cupboards or her back yard picking figs. I have tangible feelings linked to the 90's when I was a kid. The styles, the media, print, fashion. It has all permeated  
My personal style is a little modernist, a little folk, a little arts and crafts, a little bit disco. It's hard to pinpoint, but the language of objects is something that drives me.  

3. Evi Alexaki asks:  Do you think that the final outcome/the look & feel of your work is mostly based on your imagination or on technical knowledge?

Stephanie Stamatis answers: Very much both! What is inside the frame and outside the frame are equally important to me because they are all part of the story telling, For instance - something I like to achieve is a vintage or nostalgic filmic feeling to the images I work on - this comes from lighting and image grade decisions. Equal to that, I look for props that tell the same story. Something familiar and from a tangible era. So it helps to have an understanding of photography trends through the decades as much as style trends because they all help in the storytelling.

4. Evi Alexaki asks: You are born in Australia and at the same time you have Greek roots. I’m really interested to know if you think you are influenced in some way by this cultural combination and if yes in what way. 

Stephanie Stamatis answers: I'm actually Macedonian! My family are from the Greek/Macedonian border and moved to Australia in 1954. Surviving the Civil War they were expelled from the area. I am very much inspired by my roots. My Grandparents were very proud Macedonians, forced to leave their homes they clung to as many customs they could while also making a home in Australia.
I was raised Macedonian in Australia. My childhood and surroundings were very different to the kids I went to school with. Even though we had assimilated, Macedonian language, customs and culture were a part of my normalcy. Now that I don't have any direct connection to the village I am yearning for the knowledge the older generation has taken with them. I connect the ways I can, through food, music and keeping imagery of costume and landscapes as small tokens around my home.

5. Evi Alexaki asks: What life means to you?  

Stephanie Stamatis answers: Find joy in beauty and kindness. It feels cliche but it's really true. When I am feeling low, creatively or otherwise I look for beauty in books or a museum and spend time with those that are most important to me. It helps, if you can recognise it. 

6. Evi Alexaki asks: What raises your serotonin in everyday life?

Stephanie Stamatis answers: My baby. I have a 2 year old called Saska and she is amazing.

                                                work for Dolder Grand - photographer: Lauren Bamford

                                                   work for Dolder Grand - photographer: Lauren Bamford

work for Etota - photographer: Lauren Bamford

                                                    work for Flamingo Estate - photographer: Phillip Huynh

                                                     work for Ghia - photographer: Lauren Bamford

                                                          personal work: Stephanie Stamatis

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